Dr. Amen Lee

Dr. Amen Lee

Dr. Amen Lee is an experienced trainer and consultant. He is also a specialist in family business succession. Dr. Lee is the author and co-author of over 10 books on various areas covering quantum leadership, legacy planning, family business succession, and next generation leadership.


Dr. Lee has served over 60 family businesses as a consultant and trained over 3,000 business executives. Understanding that communication is a common obstacle to family and business succession, Amen advocates for the combination of reasoning and emotion, of heart and brain; he seeks to combine breakthrough techniques in interpersonal communication and cutting-edge neuroscience theories, and applying them to a wide extent of fields, including family culture succession, family education, next-generation leadership, and business management.

In 2019, Dr Lee collaborated with Dr. Christophe Morin, the world-renowned neuroscientist to host the first ever class on “Discover your Persuasion Code” in Hong Kong. In the same year, International Coaching Community Greater China also invited the author of “Coaching the Brain: Practical Applications of Neuroscience to Coaching” to come to Hong Kong and delivered a training on Neuro-coaching.

Apart from holding a doctoral degree in Adult Education, Dr Lee has also been awarded a Certificate in the Senior Executive Programme on “Strategic Issues in Corporate Finance” by Cambridge-HKU in 2008 and “Managing Family Business for Generational Success” by Harvard Business School in 2014.