Dr. Eddie Yu

Dr. Eddie Yu

Eddie Yu (PhD), is currently Adjunct Professor of Hong Kong Management Association.  Before that Eddie has worked with City University of Hong Kong for 27 years, where he served course leader and lecturer of Management related subjects. After he retired from CityU he was invited to teach management and international management courses for Georgetown University, University of Cologne and University of Wales and Swiss Business School. Apart from teaching he is also supervising doctoral theses.

Eddie is passionate and competent in teaching & learning activities. He was awarded the University’s Teaching Excellence Award in 1995, Eddie was also recipients of The Best Case Writer of the Year Award in Hong Kong in 1991, the Best Case Analysis of the Year Award in 2000, the Best Paper Award in an international conference on marketing innovation and strategic management in 2009, and the University’s Interdisciplinary Professional Development Award in 2013.

HKCAAVQ has appointed Eddie as specialist for vetting over dozens of business management degree programmes.  He served as external examiner/advisor roles for The OpenU and other tertiary education institutes’ undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the past two decades.

His consulting and executive training services including leadership, global strategic management, and strategy map and holistic management approach. A selected clients list include: PwC Consulting, Dragonair, Philips, New World Telephone, Hong Kong Electric, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong Policy Force, Hongkong Ferry, Hong Kong Electric, Shanghai Automobiles, Hong Kong Resorts, and Hong Kong Scouts Association. Before joining the academe, Eddie worked with Hewlett-Packard, American Express and several local based international firms for 14 years. His last position was Group General Manager.

Eddie was appointed as Associate Director for an externally funded of $2-million project on social innovation and entrepreneurship – Project Flame.  He was also a co-developer of a Standard Chartered funded project for developing a comprehensive accreditation scheme for Hong Kong social enterprises – Social Enterprises Endorsement Mark (SEE Mark).  The SEE Mark scheme has now been adopted by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises for accrediting quality social enterprises